“Human rights and access to justice for the most marginalized communities – theory and practice”
18 – 19 May, 2023 Ohrid, North Macedonia and online.
Submission e-mail:
Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Association LET STATION and HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje, in partnership with the Institute for Research and European Studies – Bitola and in collaboration with Faculty of Law, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola announce the Call for Papers to be presented at the Conference.
The Conference is aimed at presenting and discussing the issues and obstacles in access to justice that marginalized communities face, as well as share best practices and lessons learned in realization of human rights from both theoretical as well as practical aspect.
We are pleased to invite the prospective authors to electronically submit their papers in English to:
Conference Overview:
The Republic of North Macedonia as many other democratic countries is declaratively dedicated to improving equal access to justice (A2J) as well as promoting and protecting human rights, emphasizing rights of the most marginalized and vulnerable communities (smaller ethnic communities, people living in rural areas, people and families who live in poverty, people who use drugs, sex workers and others). Still, despite the dedication of the country, majority of the people from marginalized groups face human rights violations and restricted A2J. The pandemic of COVID– 19, but also the post-pandemic consequences, as well as the war in Ukraine and the energy and food crisis brought many challenges, jeopardizing health, social, and other human rights, as well as causing unforeseeable economic and social consequences. These consequences especially affected poor and marginalized communities.
These crises resulted in additional burden on already vulnerable and poor socio-economic status of marginalized people. Starting from basic health and social rights, to labor and housing as well as personal documentation and civil status, many communities face injustices on a daily level.
On the other side there are many individuals, groups and organizations who have dedicated significant effort in improving these situations from both theoretical as well as practical aspect. Sharing examples, experiences, and discussing the current issues these communities face as well as elaborating positive approaches taken by different stakeholders is of crucial importance for development and advancement of human rights and improving the access to justice for all.
Important Dates:
Step 1: Paper submission: May 05, 2023
Prepare your final paper in accordance with our Paper Guidelines. Papers should be sent as .doc or .docx attachments via e – mail address:
Earlier submission of the papers helps us to manage the review process in a timely manner.
Step 2: Paper revision: deadline May 12, 2023
After submission, your paper will be subjected to initial screening and anonymous peer-review at least by one anonymous reviewer who will be selected by the Members of the Conference Editorial Board and you will receive confirmation on its acceptance.
Step 3: Conference dates: May 18-19, 2023
Conference fee:
There is no fee for publishing the papers and participation at the conference.
International Program Committee:
Artur Adamczyk, PhD, Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland
Emilia Alaverdov, PhD, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Goran Bandov, PhD, Dag Hammarskjold University, Croatia
Dragana Cvorovic, PhD, The University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies – Belgrade, Serbia
Goran Ilik, PhD – University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, North Macedonia
Svetlana Veljanovska, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, North Macedonia
Bashkim Rrahmani, PhD, AAB College – Prishtina, Kosovo
Miomira Kostic, PhD, University of Nis, Serbia
Ivan Ilic, PhD, University of Nis, Serbia
Sinisa Domazet, PhD, Educons, Novi Sad, Serbia
Prabhpreet Singh, PhD, School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Organizational Committee:
Ivona Shushak – Lozanovska, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, North Macedonia – Chairperson
Hristina Vasilevska Dimchevska, Foundation Open Society – Macedonia – Vice-Chair-person
Vesna Shapkoski, Association LET STATION – secretary
Angelina Stanojoska, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, North Macedonia
Ice Ilijevski, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, North Macedonia
Neda Petkovska – HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje
Hristina Zdraveska – Association LET STATION
Technical Editors:
Djengis Berisha, Association LET STATION
Maja Petancheska, Association LET STATION
Paper Guidelines:
Full papers should not exceed more than 30.000 characters (with spaces) including references, which are typed according to the below guidelines:
Article title: Times New Roman; 14 pt; bold; alignment centered; single-line spacing; All Caps (max. 100 characters with spaces).
Author name and title: Times New Roman; bold; 14 pt; single-line spacing; alignment centered.
Affiliation and e-mail address: Times New Roman; italic; 12 pt; single-line spacing; alignment centered.
Abstract and keywords: Between 100 and 150 words (5-7 keywords); Times New Roman; 12 pt; single-line spacing; justify.
Article text: Times New Roman; 12 pt; justify; 1.5 line spacing; margins: Top: 2,5 cm; Bottom: 2,5 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 3 cm. The scope of submitted text should not exceed more than 30.000 characters (with spaces) including references. Text should be written in neuter gender, concisely and in correct orthography. Latin phrases should be set in italics.
Quotations: If they are brief (3 lines or fewer), quotations should be run on with the text. Longer quotations should be indented, without quotation marks. All indented quotations should be typed single-spaced.
Citation style: The author should follow Chicago Style (author-date system) for referencing, for example: (Dahl 1989, 45); (Geddes 1999, 134-43); (Linz 1975). All references should be given in full at first mention. Subsequent citations can be abbreviated. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.
Headings and subheadings: Times New Roman; 12 pt; bold.
Table: Times New Roman; bold; size 10; align heading left; single line spacing. Tables must be created in Word, not Excel. Table heading is situated above the table.
Figures: Times New Roman; bold; size 10; alignment centered; single line spacing. The authors must submit original electronic copies of the figures applied in the article in TIFF, JPG or PNG format. Figure heading is situated under the figure. Consider to align tables and figures at the centre.
Dates: Dates should be given in the form: 30 December 2013.
All accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings.
Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Association LET STATION and HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje
For more information about the Conference, please contact us.
Contact e-mail:
Phone: + 389 75 748 009
We appreciate your interest in our Conference and looking forward to your submission soon.
Please forward this information to your colleagues and students.
Kind Regards,
Conference Organizing Team
*This call is published with financial support of the European Union within the project “Access to Justice for the Most Marginalized”. The content is the sole responsibility of the grantees and in no way expresses the views of the European Union.